The Biden-Harris Immigration Agenda Matters for Kids

The Children Thrive Action Network welcomes bold, visionary, and long-overdue policy changes from the Biden-Harris Administration. In less than two weeks, the new administration has outlined policy proposals addressing immigration and COVID-19 that will improve the lives of children living in immigrant families. Please see CTAN’s press release regarding recent Read more…

CTAN Welcomes Biden-Harris “New Vision of Hope and Healing” for Children in Immigrant Families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 26, 2021 Contact: Lynn Tramonte ([email protected] / (202) 255-0551; Tom Salyers ([email protected]/ (202) 607-1074 Washington, D.C. – In less than a week, the Biden-Harris Administration has ushered in a new sense of community and possibility. It outlined a bold agenda on immigration policy and COVID-19 relief Read more…

180+ Organizations: Biden-Harris Administration Must Protect Children in Mixed-Status Immigrant Families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 3, 2020 Contact: Lynn Tramonte ([email protected] / (202) 255-0551; Tom Salyers ([email protected]/ (202) 607-1074 Washington, D.C. – One in four children in the United States has at least one immigrant parent, and over 5 million children have a parent who is undocumented. Today, over 180 organizations Read more…

Federal Transition Priorities to Defend and Support America’s Children in Immigrant Families

Federal Transition Priorities to Defend and Support America’s Children in Immigrant Families Introduction and Rationale Anti-immigrant policies advanced by the Trump Administration have caused devastating harm to children in immigrant families and left a moral stain on our country. Children in immigrant families now comprise 1 in 4, or approximately Read more…

As Trump Administration Threatens Expanded Deportation, Children Thrive Action Network Shares Toolkit to Protect Immigrant Families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 16, 2020 Contact: Lynn Tramonte ([email protected] / (202) 255-0551; Tom Salyers ([email protected]/ (202) 607-1074 Washington, D.C. – From expanding extra-judicial deportations to retaliating against cities who refuse to enforce federal immigration law, the Trump administration is threatening to kick immigration enforcement into overdrive over the next Read more…

Toolkit: Protecting Immigrant Families Facing Deportation

Children Thrive Action Network (CTAN) created this toolkit to serve two purposes:  Help service providers and community members speak out against immigration enforcement that harms children in immigrant families. Help parents, service providers, and community members protect families at risk of being torn apart by aggressive immigration enforcement.  Click through Read more…

COVID-19 — include immigrant families and children in relief effort

By Mónica Ramírez and Olivia Golden (Excerpt) This spring, Congress denied the tax-paying families of an estimated 3.5 million children economic help under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. That’s right: families who have contributed billions in taxes, families with U.S. citizen children, were cut off from bare-bones financial Read more…

In COVID Relief, Children Thrive Action Network Advocates for Children of Immigrants

“We cannot let an entire generation come of age with fear, anxiety, and instability as their primary childhood memory”  September 9, 2020, Washington, D.C. – A new coalition of organizations has emerged to ensure that the children of immigrants–one-quarter of all children in the United States–are no longer harmed by policy Read more…